In mathematics, students must demonstrate proficiency:
1. On NJSLA/PARCC Algebra I; or
2. By meeting the designated cut score on a substitute competency test such as other high schoollevel NJSLA/PARCC assessments, the SAT, ACT, or ACCUPLACER as defined in Table 2; or
3. By submitting, through the district, a student portfolio appeal to the New Jersey Department of Education.
If, after completing the required New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment in grade 11, students did not demonstrate proficiency by passing the mathematics component, such students may access the following pathways:
- Second Pathway: By meeting the designated cut score on a substitute competency test such as other high school-level NJSLA/PARCC assessments, the SAT, ACT, or ACCUPLACER; or
- Third Pathway: By submitting, through the district, a student portfolio appeal to the New Jersey Department of Education.