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Health & Nursing Services

The Health Services and the School Nurse seek to enhance the educational process of the students by modifying or removing health related barriers to learning and by promoting optimal level of wellness. The Health Services Program advocates for health education, healthy activities, and a healthy environment for students and staff.

Please be advised of the following:

District Policy:

  • Children with fever greater than 100 degrees must be sent home from school and must remain home from school until fever free for 24 hours.

  • Any child with a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea must remain home until free of condition for at least 24 hours.

  • Any medication that is to be taken during school hours including over the counter medication such as Tylenol or cough drops must be accompanied by an order from your physician as well as a parent note.

All medications must be transported to the school by a legal adult.

Please view "polices", and  "forms and information" below to download any needed medication or physical forms your child may need.

If your child is suffering from a communicable disease such as STREP throat, stomach virus, pink eye, chicken pox or other contagious rash or disease, we would appreciate that you report this illness to the nurse's office. This information is strictly confidential and is requested for tracking purposes only.

Mount Olive High School Nurses:

Maryanna Domenic, APN, PMHNP-BC, CSN

Keira Fisher, BSN, RN

Nicole Iaione,  BA, RN, CSN

PHONE: 973-927-2208
ext. 7480

FAX:   973-927-2210


Policies & Information