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Chris Praml

Vivianne Bolen




MOTV is a program composed of four full year courses where students learn about television production. From pre-production to production to post production. Students will produce news, sports, entertainment, weather, interviews and more. Students work is featured on a variety of media outlets including MOTV's two cable channels, YouTube channel.

MOTV, Mt. Olive Television, was created in 2002 as a way to enhance student learning in the Mt. Olive High School's television production program through the use of a closed circuit broadcast system. This system allowed MOTV to broadcast to approximately 1,500 viewers in Mt. Olive High School.

On January 15th, 2010 MOTV launched two cable channels based out of its TV Studio at MOHS, Optimum channel 21 and FiOs channel 32. These channels allow MOTV to broadcast to over 24,000 viewers in the community. In addition to the channel MOTV's content is shared on it's YouTube channel, Mt. Olive Television.

The content on the channels is created by advanced television students enrolled in TV 2, TV 3, and TV 4.