Michael Freund
(Class of 1974) Football, Basketball, Baseball
Sandra Heydt
(Class of 1975) Field Hockey, Basketball, Track
Debbie Windt
(Class of 1975) Field Hockey, Track
Donna Forte
(Class of 1976) Field Hockey, Basketball, Track & Cheer
Brian Todd
(Class of 1976) Football, Basketball, Baseball
Kevin Young
(Class of 1977) Cross County, Indoor & Outdoor Track
Carl Quitzau
(Class of 1979) Cross Country, Track
Chris Kahn
(Class of 1980) Soccer, Basketball, Baseball
Larry McEntee
(Class of 1981) Football, Basketball, Baseball
Leigh Gorman
(Class of 1981) Football, Basketball, Baseball
Gina La Mandre
(Class of 1981) Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball
Pete Torres
(Class of 1981) Soccer, Basketball, Baseball
Maryellen Catherina
(Class of 1983) Tennis, Basketball, Softball
(Class of 1983) Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball
Paul Quitzau
(Class of 1983) Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track
Tom Vara
(Class of 1983) Football, Wrestling, Baseball
Kim Duke
(Class of 1984) Track
Kim Nagel
(Class of 1984) Field Hockey, Softball & Cheer
Lynne Bartlett
(Class of 1985) Tennis, Basketball, Softball
Jeff Porphy
(Class of 1985) Basketball, Baseball
Brian Devins
(Class of 1986) Swimming, Basketball, Baseball
Darby Diedrich
(Class of 1986) Football, Ice Hockey, Golf
Craig Wiley
(Class of 1986) Football, Indoor Track, Track
Trish Colvin
(Class of 1987) Field Hockey, Softball
Alanna Poirier
(Class of 1987) Cross Country, Indoor Track, Track
Anthony Guidi
(Class of 1988) Wrestling
Gary Hunt
(Class of 1989) Basketball, Baseball
Paul Ottavinia
(Class of 1991) Football, Basketball, Baseball
Michael Buonomo
(class of 1992) Football, Basketball, Track
Christine Engel
(Class of 1992) Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track
Jeff Spaldi
(Class of 1993) Basketball, Baseball
Amy Ottavinia
(Class of 1994) Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball
Jackie Cocsia
(Class of 1995) Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track
Danille Kandziolka
(Class of 1995) Soccer, Basketball, Softball
Stacy Wheeler
(Class of 1996) Soccer, Indoor Track, Softball
Steve Slattery
(Class of 1997) Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track
Jen Ottavinia
(Class of 1999) Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball
Erin Valocsik
(Class of 1999) Field Hockey & Softball
Marianne Herbst
(Class of 2000) Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track
Seamus McGuinness
(Class of 2000) Wrestling
Sara Ottoson
(Class of 2000) Cheerleading
Leslie DeSimone
(Class of 2001) Field Hockey
Kim Lyko
(Class of 2001) Soccer, Indoor Track, Softball
Josh Adieyefeh
(Class of 2003) Football, Track
Kevin Halonski
(Class of 2003) Football, Basketball
Emily Rimassa
(Class of 2003) Softball, Field Hockey
Danielle Miranda
(Class of 2004) Field Hockey & Softball
Daniel DiColo
(Class of 2005) Football, Wrestling, Baseball
Russell Hollaway
(Class of 2008) Basketball, Track
Julie Jenkins
(Class of 2009) Tennis, Swimming, Softball
Ryan Peterson
(Class of 2014) Soccer