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Graduation Requirements


All students must earn 135 credits to graduate

Full-year courses 5 credits
Semester courses 2.5 credits
Grade Placement
Grade 10: 30 credits
Grade 11: 60 credits
Grade 12: 95 credits
Required courses for all students:
Language Arts Literacy 20 credits
PE/Health 20 credits
Mathematics 15 credits
Science 15 credits
United States History 10 credits
World Culture/World History 5 credits
World Language 5 credits

Visual or Performing Arts

5 credits
21st Century Life and Careers, or Career-Technical Education (Practical Arts) 5 credits
Financial, Economic, Business, and Entrepreneurial Literacy (Financial Literacy) 2.5 credits

Additional Graduation Requirements:

  • Many four year colleges require students to have taken 2 consecutive years of a World Language. Students planning to continue their education at four year colleges are strongly encouraged to complete a minimum of 10 credits in the same World Language. 
  • All students must enroll in a combination of a full year of Math or Science.
  • All students must be enrolled in at least 35 credits each of their four years.

NJ HS Graduation Assessment Requirements